Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance works are carried out on a cyclic and need basis to meet the minimum acceptable requirement. The works include:

Pavement Maintenance

  • Patching of potholes
  • Sealing of surface cracks
  • Reinstatement of edge deterioration of backfilled trenches
  • Treatment to deterioration of concrete pavements
  • Repair of concrete pavement joints
  • Repair of paving blocks and slabs.

Road Shoulder Maintenance

  • Re-grading and clearing of vegetation
  • Topping up of road shoulders with suitable earth material
  • Filling irregularities in unsealed shoulders
  • Filling pavement/shoulder level differences

Grass cutting on prescribed areas within road reserve and clearing of vegetation on paved surface.

Cleaning of road furnitures

Cleaning of bridges, culverts and waterways

Cleaning and desilting of lined and unlined drains

Routine Inspection

  • The Company provides teams of mobile Road Inspectors spread throughout the four states to continuously identify defects, collect and record road condition data.