Road Construction

New pavement construction is generally preceded by detailed surveys and subgrade preparation. The methods and technology for constructing road and highways has evolved over time and become increasingly sophisticated. This advancement in technology has raised the level of skill sets required to manage road and highway construction projects. This skill varies from project to project, depending on factors such as the project's complexity and nature, the contrasts between new construction and reconstruction, and differences between urban region and rural region projects.

There are a number of elements of road and highway construction which can be broken up into technical and commercial elements of the system. Some examples of each are listed below:

Technical Elements Materials

  • Material quality
  • Installation techniques
  • Traffic

Commercial Elements

  • Contract understanding
  • Environmental aspects
  • Political aspects
  • Legal aspects
  • Public concerns

Typically, construction begins at the lowest elevation of the site, regardless of the project type, and moves upward. By reviewing the geotechnical specifications of the project, information is given about:

  • Existing ground conditions
  • Required equipment for excavation, grading, and material transportation to and from the site
  • Properties of materials to be excavated
  • Dewatering requirements necessary for below-grade work
  • Shoring requirements for excavation protection
  • Water quantities for compaction and dust control