Slope stability is the potential of soil covered slopes to withstand and undergo movement. Stability is determined by the balance of shear stress and shear strength. A previously stable slope may be initially affected by preparatory factors, making the slope conditionally unstable. Triggering factors of a slope failure can be climatic events can then make a slope actively unstable, leading to mass movements. Mass movements can be caused by increase in shear stress, such as loading, lateral pressure, and transient forces. Alternatively, shear strength may be decreased by weathering, changes in pore water pressure, and organic material.
Rolid Setia carry out analysis of slope stability for various purposes. These include assessing the risk of slope movement for proposed or existing highway platforms and carrying out forensic analysis on slopes that have already experienced either recent or historic instability.
Common forms of slope instability are often described as landslides, land slips, slumps and debris flows.
The results of slope stability analyses can be used to provide design recommendations to help ensure that an existing or proposed development is not subject to risk of damage due to slope movement. Where slope instability has occurred or is expected to occur that affects an existing or proposed structure, we will use the results of our analysis to formulate geotechnical design recommendations to assist with mitigation of the risk, and repairs of any damage.
Where necessary our services can extend to design of slope stabilising measures such as in-ground retaining, soil nailing and sub-surface drainage. We also carry out observation of construction and provide geotechnical certification for works we have investigated, designed and observed during construction.