Health and Safety
Management of Rolid Setia is committed to an active Health and Safety Program and will provide leadership and support to achieve and maintain the highest standards.
Management regards the safety and health of employees, customers and the general public as highest priority.
The safety and health function consists of integrated participation between management and employees to strive to achieve a workplace, which is free of hazards.
Management accepts their responsibility to inform those who may be exposed to hazards in the workplace and to develop appropriate operation standards as part of an effective prevention program.
Our Health & Safety Management Systems aim at:
- Health and Safety
- Injury prevention
- Economic loss reduction
- Property damage prevention
- Eliminating losses caused by unplanned interruption to operations
Management is committed to:
- Comply with applicable Health and Safety Legislation
- Support efforts in improvement to Health and Safety in the Workplace
- Promote Health and Safety Training
- Maintain communication channels with authorities and affected parties
Our Health & Safety Statement
It is the policy of the Management that work is to be carried out in a safe manner, and that occupational Health and Safety is to be regarded as a prerequisite in all operations. Rolid Setia attaches great importance to the principle that successful Health and Safety management contributes to successful business management.
To ensure that this policy is effectively enforced Site Manager on all Construction sites in conjunction with Safety officer is responsible for the formulation of comprehensive procedures in respect of Health and Safety at work, appropriate to their activities, and for dealing individual and collective responsibilities throughout the management structure.
A vital part of this process is the reporting, analysis and corrective measures resulting from reported incidents or ‘near misses’. There is a direct correlation between the number of near misses, accidents and lost time incidents. In order to manage Health and Safety effectively, data at all levels is collected.
Within the framework provided by these policies, all employees have a part to play in maintaining the highest standards of Health and Safety an in achieving full compliance with legal requirements, which is regarded as minimum standards. The basic need is for every employee to take care of him or herself, colleagues and the general public.